According to a study carried out by BPIFrance, 38% of small and medium business owners are sceptical of the impact of the digital revolution. However, every day, we are witnessing profound changes in food business, in terms of new digital tools and opportunities. In our “FoodTech” web review for this month, get the latest updates for your sector: automation, the potential of blockchain, e-commerce and O2O (online to offline)… not to mention our advice to startups and entrepreneurs.
TOmorrow’s food factory and the potential of blockchain
According to a survey carried out by BPIFrance among French SME’s, 87% of business leaders think that “the digital transformation is not a strategic priority”, and 38% of them are even sceptical of whether there is really a digital revolution. What are the risks of this gap in understanding? Probably certain companies closing their doors, according to the journalist Jean-Marc Vittori in Les Echos, France’s leading business newspaper.
However, the potential of digitalisation is already to be seen: automation, innovations, blockchain and traceability are a few examples of intelligent improvements in performance and efficiency.
- French PMEs faced with the threat of death by digital (in French)
- Automation, towards a new wave of disruptions (in French)
- Amplifying The Power Of Blockchain—What You Need To Know
Food e-commerce: the small step to physical retail
How are the issues of food distribution a concern for food manufacturing? With the digital revolution, the power dynamic is changing: food e-commerce is gaining ground, but web giants (Amazon, Alibaba etc.) are getting more and more “physical”, with new retail outlets or connected devices making their way into the consumers’ lives. Other opportunites to explore…
- This Online Grocer Wants To End Food Deserts By Underselling Amazon
- Amazon wants to develop its Food offer in France (in French)
- Alibaba Takes Control of, at $9.5 Billion Value
- Amazon launches virtual Dash buttons in France
Advice for startups and intrapreneurs
Startup founders or entrepreneurs (even intrapreneurs), you’ve come to the right place! Here is our selection of the months useful tips for your development. If you would like to find out more about the topic, have a look at our website’s news section where we regularly publish best practices and experiences of other startup founders.
- Management: less haste, more speed
- Why Startup Founders Must Go Slow to Go Fast
- The Right Advice at the Right Time Boosts Chances of Startup Survival
- How we launched a startup in an already crowded sector (in French)
Go deeper
AgTech, alternative proteins, blockchain, supply chain… FoodTech touches on any number of areas. If your startup is specialised on one of these topics, contact us to find out more about ToasterLAB. Our call for applications for the 4th cohort is opening at the beginning of May:
To make sure you don’t miss out, sign up for our newsletter below.
Our previous 'All About FoodTech' bulletins:
- All about FoodTech March 2018 bulletin
- All about FoodTech December 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech November 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech October 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech September 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech August 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech June 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: May 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: April 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: March 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: February 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: January 2017 bulletin
By Claire M.

ToasterLAB's Startup manager, Claire is an adept of the world of entrepreneurs, having spent the last 4 years within an incubator and innovation centre. Her mission is to provide daily support and coordination to ToasterLAB's startups, to lend them both practical support and a direct line to the necessary contacts and expertise to get their businesses off the ground. Contact Claire at