Two French startups will take part in the final of the Food Nexus Startup Challenge: Aveine and Kuantom, two young companies with innovations in the drinks sector.
2 finalists to represent France
On October 13th, Vitagora and AcceleRise's founding members selected two startups to represent France in the Food Nexus Startup Challenge, a European contest whose final will take place in the Netherlands. The two French finalists, Aveine and Kuantom were both selected from AcceleRise's national call for applications. "We made use of our wide-ranging applications call that generated a large number of French candidates", explains Christophe Breuillet, director of Vitagora. "These candidates were then carefully vetted to find the most promising French FoodTech and AgtTech startups."
The contest European final takes place on December 13th in Wageningen, in the Netherlands.
who are the French finalists?
Get the best results from aerating your fine wines, or prepare complicated cocktails in an instant: the two startups selected for the final make it easier to gain enjoyment from wine and spirits thank to ingenious digital solutions offered to professionals (restaurants, hotels, bars...) and the public.
"Our two finalists have the goal to make the enjoyment of wine and cocktails more accessible for all: wine in perfect tasting conditions or perfect cocktails at the touch of a button. Their digital solutions bring French gourmet culture into contact with the elegance of contempory technologies," explains Christophe Breuillet.
Aveine is a young company that has developed InVino, the world's first digital aerator of wine that allows any wine to be served instantly in the perfect conditions for tasting.
Kuantom has invented the ultimate solution that revisits and automates cocktails for hospitality professionals. After two years of R&D, Kuantom has launched its first digital mixologist that possesses all the knowledge needed to produce impeccable cocktails.
a europe-wide startup contest
This contest aims to give Europe's most promising startups in the FoodTech and AgTech sectors the chance to meet companies from throughout Europe. Launched by Food Nexus, a European consortium bringing together SMEs, multinationals and research centres around goals of sustainable and safe food, this contest concludes in December with a final in which 7 countries will be represented : Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Ireland, France and the Netherlands. Each country has selected two finalists.
For the finalists, the advantages are numerous:
- Business connections with investors and companies from throughout Europe
- Participation in a corporate-startup engagement program
- A large degree of visibility thanks to the Food Nexus consortium
- The winner will receive a cash prize and a special business development package thanks to mentors and leading European corporations
"We are delighted to represent France in the Food Nexus Challenge, but also to receive this recognition of how far we have come in a short period of time. As a startup with international ambitions, the visibility from the contest in highly valuable. With investment funds reaching saturation, gaining this recognition from a jury of professionals is a huge boost for setting us apart from the crowd," explains Nicolas Naigeon of Aveine.
"It is great news for us to be selected for the Food Nexus Challenge final. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to present our solution among professionals and startups from the FoodTech sector. This is also a chance for us to reveal our latest prototype, co-designed with Moët Hennesy. This European contest is a windfall for our development stage, just prior to launching the industrialisation of our product. We hope to gain in visibility and credibility," concludes Alexis Kaplan of Kuantom.
The partners of Food Nexus France: AgroParisTech, Avril, Bel, Danone Research, Eurofins, INRA, Naturex, Tereos, Triballat Noyal, Sill Entreprises
Contact us: accelerise@vitagora.com