Last Tuesday, the jury composed of ToasterLAB's founding members selected 5 startups to take part in the program's third cohort. For the first time ToasterLAB welcomes two non-French startups, hailing from India and Thailand.
This cohort generated nearly 90 applications, including 40% from outside of France.
"Our goal is to recruit the best startups, from within or outside of France, in order to integrate them into the French FoodTech ecosystem, and to strengthen our ties with FoodTech communities throughout the world," explains Christophe Breuillet, ToasterLAB's CEO. "For this reason, we have increased the means dedicated to the internationalisation of our startups in order to help them get a food into global markets and business ecosystems throughout the world, with a particular focus on North America and Asia."
The 5 startups selected are...
Géochanvre uses innovative technologies to producte biodegradable geotextiles, canvas and mulches using natural fibres from the hemp plant cultivated in France.
Géochanvre uses innovative technologies to producte biodegradable geotextiles, canvas and mulches using natural fibres from the hemp plant cultivated in France.
Green Paperworks - (India)
The company Green Paperworks recycles and upcycles organic waste products to produce hand-made papers with no added chemicals.
Energaia Co - (Thailand)
EnerGaia is a Thai company specialised in the production of microalgae-based food products. Its goal is to make spiruline a dietary stable by using previously unused land to produce a healthy and sustainable food ingredient.
EnerGaia is a Thai company specialised in the production of microalgae-based food products. Its goal is to make spiruline a dietary stable by using previously unused land to produce a healthy and sustainable food ingredient.
Atelier du fruit
L’atelier du fruit designs and develops innovative technologies applied to processing of fruit and vegetables, and advices companies around the world on R&D of natural processing.
L’atelier du fruit designs and develops innovative technologies applied to processing of fruit and vegetables, and advices companies around the world on R&D of natural processing.
MaTatie offers children suffering from intolerences and allergies a range of delicious snack products free from the 14 principal allergens.
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Press contact:
Marthe Jewell, marthe.jewell@vitagora.com,
Mob.: +33 (0)6 60 65 87 16
Mob.: +33 (0)6 60 65 87 16