There’s a lot of news in the FoodTech ecosystem this month. A change of name for our program (from AcceleRise to ToasterLAB), the publication of the first report of French FoodTech by Digital Food Lab, in partnership with Vitagora and Sopexa, ToasterLAB launches applications for its third session, the final of the InvivoQuest and Food Nexus Challenge…
And in parallel, the busy commercial context of the end of year (Black Friday, Christmas…) throws light on the retail side of FoodTech: e-commerce, delivery… the pros but also the cons of these newer business models. What does the FoodTech and AgTech web say about these topics this month? Read on to find out…
FoodTech news
With Christmas approaching, there is a real abundance of FoodTech news.
- AcceleRise becomes ToasterLAB
- Vitagora is partner of the 1st report of French FoodTech (in French)
- French foodtech investments are exploding (in French)
- What the Tech FoodTech special on YouTube (in French)
FoodTech and food innovation
While food innovation is not always about FoodTech, the latter (and the young entrepreneurs that are part of it) are bringing a breath of fresh air to the status quo: new ingredients, innovative processing techniques, disruptive business models etc. And even new means of innovating, inspired by lean management and agile innovation.
- FoodTech is feeding innovation (in French)
- Block rockin eats: how blockchain could revolutionize the global food chain
- Food revolution: what are the three areas for forcing change? (in French)
- Food for thought: 3D printers of future to make our heart’s desire
- Business Models in food business: don’t get left behind (in French)
E-commerce and retail
The month of December is clearly linked to consumption with the end of year festivities, Christmas shopping and the ever more international concept of Black Friday. RetailTech is thus under the spotlight: short-circuiting retailers, from e-commerce to phygital, (mixing brick and mortar and e-commerce), but also the emerging stakes for web-based businesses regarding perishable food products.
- New retail, single’s day and the future of consumer experience
- Auchan and Alibaba are partners in China to unite brick and mortar and e-commerce
- Monoprix ripostes to Amazon by partnering with Ocado
- Delivery in 2 days: Amazon disappoints with Prime in the US (in French)
- Blue Apron's Problems Are Too Big for Any CEO
- LSA / Capgemini barometer : logistics, the weak link of multichannel retail (in French) distributeurs
AgTech: an essential part of FoodTech
While some put AgTech in its own league, we have adopted a “farm to fork” approach with agriculture firmly integrated into the food, and FoodTech, ecosystem. To better understand, read the report by DigitalFoodLab of the French FoodTech environment. For food and ingredients manufacturing do not take place in a vacuum: the primary products they use come from fields, pastures and farms. In this respect, developing innovative technologies to reduce ag chemicals, sustainably irrigating urban cultivation, or using reliable tracing tools, has a benefit on the whole of the value chain, leading us towards, tastier, healthier, more sustainable, and smarter food.
- AI promises a food revolution, from farm to supermarket
- ‘Sensors will profoundly change agriculture decision-making
- Digital Tech. Blockchain, enriching food innovation (in French)
Go deeper
AgTech, alternative proteins, blockchain, supply chain… FoodTech touches on any number of areas. If your startup is specialised on one of these topics, contact us or apply directly for ToasterLAB by December 20th. These topics are the priorities for our 3rd call for applications and give you a strong chance of being selected for acceleration.
… my advice: there are only a few days left, so don’t leave it till the last minute!
Or feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions:
Our previous 'All About FoodTech' bulletins:
- All about FoodTech November 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech October 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech September 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech August 2017 bulletin
- All about FoodTech June 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: May 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: April 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: March 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: February 2017 bulletin
- All About FoodTech: January 2017 bulletin
By Claire M.

ToasterLAB's Startup manager, Claire is an adept of the world of entrepreneurs, having spent the last 4 years within an incubator and innovation centre. Her mission is to provide daily support and coordination to ToasterLAB's startups, to lend them both practical support and a direct line to the necessary contacts and expertise to get their businesses off the ground. Contact Claire at